Shion Takeno is an assistant professor at Graduate Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering of Nagoya university. He has received Ph.D. (Engineering) from the Department of Computer Science at Nagoya Institute of Technology. He is working on a machine learning method called Bayesian optimization, which aims for an efficient black-box optimization, and its application to materials science.
keywords: Bayesian Optimization, Materials Informatics, Regret Analysis
e-mail: takeno.shion.m6[at]
links: researchmap / Google scholar
2011/4 ~ 2014/3 | Fukushima Prefectural Fukushima High School |
2014/4 ~ 2018/3 | Bachelor's student, Department of Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology |
2018/4 ~ 2020/3 | Master's student, Takeuchi & Karasuyama Lab, Department of Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology |
2020/4 ~ 2023/3 | Ph.D student, Takeuchi & Karasuyama Lab, Department of Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology |
2020/4 ~ 2021/3 | Junior Research Associate, Data-Driven Biomedical Science Team, Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, RIKEN |
2021/4 ~ 2023/3 | Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2) |
2022/6 ~ 2023/3 | Collaborative Researcher, CyberAgent, Inc. AI Lab |
2023/4 ~ 2024/3 | Postdoctoral researcher, Data-Driven Biomedical Science Team, Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, RIKEN |
2023/4 ~ 2024/3 | Visiting researcher, Department of Engineering, Nagoya University |
2023/10 ~ present (2025/3) | JST ACT-X Researcher |
2024/4 ~ present | Assistant professor, Graduate Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Department of Engineering, Nagoya University |
2024/5 ~ present | Visiting researcher, Data-Driven Biomedical Science Team, Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, RIKEN |
2024/10 ~ present | JST PRESTO Researcher |
2024/10 ~ 2028/3 | PI | JST PRESTO (Establishing the Solid Foundation for Innovative Measurement and Analysis Process) | (28M JPY) |
2024/4 ~ 2027/3 | PI | JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists | (4.81M JPY) |
2023/10 ~ 2027/3 | PI | JST ACT-X (Innovations in Mathematical and Information Sciences to Build the Next-Generation AI) | (4.5M JPY) |
2023/4 ~ 2025/3 | PI | JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up | (2.86M JPY) |
2021/4 ~ 2023/3 | PI | JSPS KAKENHI Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2) | (1.5M JPY) |